Your mind is a momentum-generating machine. The thoughts you entertain on a regular basis are taking you down one of two paths. They’re either leading you closer to manifesting the things you desire, or they’re leading you in the opposite direction. And in both cases, you’re in the driver’s seat.
Many of us simply don’t realize that we have ultimate control over how and when and on what we focus. We think that just because something lands on our radar that we owe it our energy and our attention. But we were all born with the priceless gift of free will. And this means that we can choose in every moment how to apply our most precious resource: the power of our focus.
Inner confidence is about giving your precious energy and attention to only those things that nourish you back.
You can’t be focused on the fulfillment of something you desire and feeling doubt about it at the same time.
To use the power of focus to build your inner confidence, spend more time imagining and feeling your desired results into being. When your thoughts begin to dip into the range of doubt, comparison, or discouragement, reel them back in. And if you start seeing your life through a lens of lack, remind yourself of all the abundance that surrounds you.
You can’t give your attention to your doubts and your desires at the same time. You have to pick one or the other. We enhance our inner confidence by choosing to have faith in what we’re creating, even before there’s evidence to support it.
PACKAGE INCLUDED - 3.3" Handmade Meditation Bowl x 1, Hand-sewn Silk Cushion x 1, Mallet covered with leather x 1, creamy white storage bag x 1.A full set of Tibetan Meditation Yoga Singing Bowl with decent price. Our singing bowl can fit in
your hand, portable and perfect for on-the-go requirements.