
Jun 191 min

Blind Piper's Nightly Routine

In the Comfort of Darkness

As Anna gently lifts me into her arms at bedtime, I snuggle close, feeling her warmth and hearing her reassuring voice.

Being blind now, I rely on her more than ever, but her touch is a soft map of safety.

She tucks me in with care, blankets cocooning us snugly.

Her gentle belly rubs are like a soothing melody, lulling me into dreams of playful days gone by.

In those moments, drifting off to sleep, I feel her love surrounding me, a comforting embrace that tells me I'm home and cherished.

It's in these quiet hours that I know, even in darkness, Anna's love is my guiding light.

Blindness veils the world I knew,

Yet in her care, I feel no fear,

She wraps me close, her love so true,

Whispering softly, "I am here."

Read full poem - Sleepy Blind Piper

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