Reluctant Paws: A Dog’s Rainy Day Reflections.

"Ugh, it's that wet stuff falling from the sky again. I hate getting my paws all muddy and my fur drenched. Why does it have to rain right now? I just want to stay inside where it's dry and cozy. But I need to go out... Nature calls, after all.
Okay, deep breath. Maybe if I run really fast, I won't get as wet. Yeah, that’s it, I’ll sprint out, do my business, and get back inside before I know it.
Look at my human with that umbrella. Lucky them, they have a shield! Can I get one of those? Maybe a doggy-sized one? Hmm, no, it would probably just be another thing to carry.
Alright, let's do this. One, two, three... wait, no, too much rain. Maybe if I just wait a few minutes it will stop. Come on, rain, give a dog a break!
Oh, well, no more waiting. Time to be brave. I can do this! Quick dash, in and out. Let's go!"
Puddle Dread
Rain, rain, go away,
No puddles for my paws today,
I want to run and chase and play,
But not in soggy, damp dismay.
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