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Time is More Sensible Than Reason

True understanding requires us to question even what we know to be true, trusting that only time can reveal the deeper layers of life's mysteries.

The assertion that "time is more sensible than reason" suggests a profound recognition of the inherent complexity and unpredictability of life. While reason provides a framework for understanding, time offers a broader perspective that encompasses the flux and evolution of all things. Time reveals the interconnectedness of events, the cyclical nature of existence, and the inevitability of change. It transcends the limitations of human comprehension, allowing for a deeper appreciation of the intricacies of reality.

In contrast, reason often operates within finite boundaries, attempting to categorize and analyze phenomena within the constraints of logic and rationality. While reason offers clarity and structure, it can sometimes overlook the nuances and subtleties that time unveils. Ultimately, while reason may guide our understanding, it is time that grants us wisdom, as we learn to navigate the complexities of life's journey with humility and reverence for the unfolding mysteries of existence.

Even established scientific theories like parts of quantum mechanics might shift with new discoveries. This shows that our "truths" can change, and we should stay open to new information.

Contemplating the notion that "time is more sensible than reason" invites a reflection on the profound wisdom embedded in the passage of time. Unlike reason, which seeks to distill life's experiences into logical frameworks and definitive answers, time embraces the ambiguity and fluidity of existence. It allows for growth, healing, and the gradual unveiling of truths that reason might prematurely dismiss or misunderstand.

Through time, we witness the unfolding of events and the evolution of perspectives that reason alone cannot fully grasp. It is through the patient passage of time that we come to understand the deeper connections and underlying patterns in our lives, revealing a sense of coherence and meaning that transcends rational explanation.

As we think about how time and reason work together, we have to wonder: can we ever really understand life without questioning even what we know to be true?

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