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The Illusion of Tomorrow

Oh, "tomorrow is another day," they say,

A trove of chances, fresh and bright,

As if today’s mess will fade away,

And dawn will bring a spotless light.

Forget the chaos, stress, and strife,

That mar your hours, weigh you down,

For when the sun dispels the night,

All woes dissolve without a sound.

But what a joke this saying is,

A pretty lie we tell ourselves,

For yesterday’s burdens don’t just fizz,

They linger on our crowded shelves.

So here’s to hope, that fickle friend,

Who whispers dreams of fresh new starts,

Yet deep inside, we comprehend,

Tomorrow’s just today in parts.

The idea that "tomorrow is another day" becomes delightfully absurd when wrapped in humor. It's a reminder that in the midst of life's turmoil, a hearty chuckle can be the ultimate survival tool. Indeed, a dash of humor is often just what we need to cushion the impact of the inevitable hurdles the next day brings.

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