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Beyond December

"Christmas, should be a timeless celebration of Christ's love, to beckon us not just to exchange gifts, but to embrace a perpetual 'Christ Mass'—a renewal of love that transcends the fleeting sparkle of the season and lights the way for kindness to all throughout the year." ~Belle

In the soft glow of twinkling lights and the warmth of crackling fires, Christmas arrives each year as a nostalgic beacon of joy, family, and tradition. Yet, as the tinsel and glitter cascade around us, it's hard not to ponder whether the true essence of Christmas has been obscured, lost in the whirlwind of consumerism and holiday frenzy.

Christmas, at its core, is a celebration rooted in the idea of "Christ Mass," a solemn religious observance commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time to reflect on the message of love, compassion, and goodwill to all. The nativity scene, with its humble stable and the Holy Family, serves as a poignant reminder of simplicity, humility, and the power of love.

In the rush to find the perfect gifts, bake the most elaborate cookies, and decorate our homes with dazzling displays, it seems that the deeper meaning of Christmas often gets buried beneath a mountain of materialistic pursuits. The true spirit of Christmas lies not in the presents under the tree but in the presence of our loved ones, in the warmth of our connections, and in the shared embrace of a renewed commitment to love.

"Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men" is not a sentiment meant for a single day. It is a call to extend the spirit of Christmas throughout the entire year. The concept of Christ Mass is not confined to a specific moment in December but is meant to permeate our lives, inspiring us to be kinder, more compassionate, and more loving every day.

As carolers sing of "Joy to the World," it's essential to question whether that joy is fleeting or if it can be sustained. Can the goodwill that surfaces during the holiday season be a catalyst for lasting change in our hearts and in the way we treat others? The challenge is to carry the true meaning of Christmas beyond the carols, beyond the brightly wrapped packages, and into the tapestry of our lives.

Perhaps, in the quiet moments of reflection, we can rediscover the magic of Christmas—the magic that lies not in the glittering ornaments but in the renewal of our commitment to love and care for one another. As the last strains of "Silent Night" fade away, let us strive to keep the serenity, the love, and the goodwill alive throughout the year, transforming Christmas from a momentary celebration into a timeless reminder of the enduring power of love.

In the tapestry of my past, though the threads of my belief in the Christian faith have unraveled, I recall a time when the teachings I received emphasized that the essence of spreading Christianity lay in the silent eloquence of one's actions.

Christmas, in this context, was a sacred occasion, a moment to reaffirm our commitment to Christ by embodying the principles of love, compassion, and goodwill. Yet, in the landscape of today, I find myself questioning whether this profound connection between the spirit of the season and its spiritual roots has ever truly existed.

The essence of Christmas, once a beacon for profound renewal, now seems obscured by the clamor of commercialism and superficial celebrations.

So, as this Christmas season begins, let the teachings of your Jesus resonate, reminding you that love knows no boundaries, extending especially to those you may perceive as adversaries.


Belle Webb🪶©2023

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