This is the story of how Broody, a very unhappy brain, became very happy. If you liked this story, scroll down to see how Broody learned to meditate, with his eyes open:
A distinction between empathy and compassion. Empathy makes you feel other's pain. When empathy inspires you to help and heal others it becomes compassion. With authentic compassion, by helping and healing others, tangibly or even in intention (such as in prayer), you feel good. Research shows true compassion makes you feel happier and lowers activity in fear centers of the brain. Avoiding others might provide temporary respite, but locks us in our own hurts. Further, if we all avoided each other, then world will become a lonely and sad place. Feeling of loneliness is as harmful as smoking or high blood pressure. Ideally, we wish a world where there is no suffering. Until people are in pain and suffering, based on how your brain works, commitment to kindness and compassion is the path to greater wellbeing. Compassion is essential to creating a safe and happier and kinder place for our planet's children.
A New Way to Meditate
3.3" Handmade Meditation Bowl x 1, Hand-sewn Silk Cushion x 1, Mallet covered with leather x 1, creamy white storage bag x 1.A full set of Tibetan Meditation Yoga Singing Bowl with decent price. Our singing bowl can fit in your hand, portable and perfect for on-the-go requirements. CRAFTSMANSHIP - Hand hammered by the craftsmen specializing in Meditation Yoga Singing Bowls. Well-carved symbols and vivid patterns revealed the wholehearted process. Specially hand-sewn silk cushion highlighted the quality of the singing bowl set.
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