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The Quiet Observer Within

More Than Mind and Body.

Your body and mind are basically just things you’ve picked up along the way, like memories, habits, and even your physical form. Sure, they’re yours, but they’re not you. It’s like how you own clothes or a car—they’re part of your life, but they don’t define who you really are.

The real "you" goes deeper, beyond all the stuff you’ve gathered over time. Once you see the difference, it’s easier to let go of being too attached to your body or thoughts and just focus on living as the awareness behind it all.

The idea is that both your body and mind are made up of experiences, habits, and knowledge you’ve collected over time, much like possessions. While these things shape how you interact with the world, they don’t define your true self.

Your core identity isn’t tied to what you’ve accumulated physically or mentally; it exists beyond the sum of those parts. In essence, you can own these attributes, but they don’t capture the essence of who you truly are.

At the core, "who we are" is often seen as something deeper than our thoughts, body, or experiences—some would call it consciousness, awareness, or soul.

It's the unchanging presence that observes everything we experience without being tied to any particular identity or role. While we tend to define ourselves through labels, achievements, or memories, our true self is often described as that deeper awareness, the quiet observer behind the mind and body, not shaped by external factors or fleeting circumstances.

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