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Proper Usage of Seated Ellipticals

Get the most out of your portable seated elliptical with these easy tips for proper use and better workouts.

When using an under-desk elliptical like the BluTiger or Cubii, proper seating posture is crucial for both comfort and effectiveness. Here's how you should position yourself:

Proper Seating Posture

  1. Sit Up Straight: Ensure that your back is straight and not slouched. This helps engage your core muscles and prevents strain on your lower back.

  2. Chair Positioning: Sit in a stable chair with a backrest to support your posture. Avoid using chairs that swivel or have wheels, as they can cause instability.

  3. Distance from the Machine: Position the elliptical close enough so that your feet can reach the pedals comfortably without stretching or cramping your legs. Your knees should bend slightly when pedaling, but not too much—this prevents overextension or discomfort.

  4. Foot Placement: Place your feet flat on the pedals. Your entire foot should be in contact with the pedal, ensuring that you are using the full range of motion. This also helps distribute pressure evenly and reduces the risk of injury.

  5. Pedal Motion: As you pedal, keep your feet as flat as possible on the pedals. Your heels may lift slightly during the motion, which is normal, but try to maintain even pressure across your foot to ensure proper engagement of muscles.

  6. Knee and Hip Alignment: Your knees should track in line with your hips and not bow outward or inward during pedaling. This alignment helps prevent strain on your joints.

  7. Avoid Leaning Forward: It can be tempting to lean forward, especially when using the elliptical at higher resistance levels. However, try to keep your torso upright, with your shoulders relaxed, to avoid straining your neck and upper back.

Using under-desk elliptical machines offers several health benefits:

  • Boosts Cardiovascular Health: Enhances heart fitness and endurance.

  • Increases Daily Activity: Helps burn calories and manage weight.

  • Improves Circulation: Reduces risks associated with prolonged sitting.

  • Low-Impact Exercise: Easier on joints compared to high-impact activities.

  • Combats Sedentary Lifestyle: Provides a convenient way to stay active while working or during daily tasks.


While your feet should remain mostly flat on the pedals, some natural movement is expected. Your heels might lift slightly, especially at the top of the pedal stroke. This is fine as long as it doesn't cause discomfort and your foot remains well-positioned on the pedal. The key is to maintain consistent and controlled pedal motion.

Maintaining proper posture not only enhances the effectiveness of your workout but also minimizes the risk of discomfort or injury over time.

Here’s a comparison of two popular Ellipticals, BluTiger by BulbHead and the Cubii under-desk elliptical machines:

BluTiger by BulbHead

  • Design: Compact and sturdy, but lacks built-in wheels. Stable but less portable.

  • Resistance: Multiple levels for adjustable intensity.

  • Features: Basic display for time, distance, and calories; no Bluetooth or app integration.

  • Price: More affordable than the Cubii.

Cubii Seated Elliptical

  • Design: Compact and quieter, slightly lighter than the BluTiger. No wheels but easier to move.

  • Resistance: 8 levels, smooth and adjustable.

  • Features: Bluetooth connectivity and app integration for tracking detailed metrics and personalized workouts.

  • Price: Higher, reflecting advanced features.


  • Portability: Both lack wheels; Cubii is lighter and slightly more portable.

  • Technology: Cubii offers Bluetooth and app features, BluTiger does not.

  • Resistance: Both have adjustable levels, with slight differences in range.

  • Price: BluTiger is budget-friendly, Cubii has more features for a higher price.

Choose BluTiger for affordability and basic features, or Cubii for advanced tracking operations.

Both BluTiger, under $100, and Cubii Move, under $200, are available on Amazon...

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