Belle Webb

Jun 172 min

Senior Moments or Alzheimer's?

At 70, life begins to feel like a treasure hunt where you've got all the loot but keep misplacing the map!

By the time you hit 70, you've pretty much got life figured out. You've survived decades of trial and error, from mastering the art of making perfect pancakes to understanding the complexities of human relationships.

The real trick, though, is actually remembering all that stuff! It's like your brain becomes a cluttered attic where you know the good stuff is in there somewhere, but finding it is a whole other adventure.

So, you end up in hilarious situations where you can recall every lyric to a song from 1963 but can’t remember why you walked into the kitchen.

But hey, at least you’ve got great stories to tell, even if you end up telling them more than once. And if all else fails, you can always blame it on the “senior moment” and enjoy the laughter that follows!

While forgetting things occasionally is common as we age, consistent or severe memory loss that affects daily life could be a sign of Alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia.

If you or someone you know is experiencing significant memory problems, confusion, or changes in behavior, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and guidance. Early diagnosis and appropriate care can be crucial in managing Alzheimer's disease effectively.

Here are five top signs of Alzheimer's disease:

  1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life, such as forgetting recently learned information or important dates.

  2. Difficulty in planning or solving problems, like trouble following a familiar recipe or managing finances.

  3. Confusion with time or place, such as forgetting where you are or how you got there.

  4. Challenges in completing familiar tasks, like forgetting the rules of a favorite game or driving to a familiar location.

  5. Changes in mood or personality, such as becoming suspicious, fearful, or easily upset.

If you notice these signs in yourself or someone else, it's important to seek medical advice for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

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