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Supermarket vs. Farm Grapes

The phrase "you eat with your eyes first" is no myth

Supermarkets display piles of plump grapes ranging in color from light green to purplish black. Those grapes are beautiful, unblemished little jewels. Their looks draw you in. But how many times have you popped one of those gorgeous grapes into your mouth once you've gotten home only to bite into a pretty, but terribly sour morsel of fruit? This tends to happen less at farm stands and farmer's markets.

The United States Department of Agriculture suggests that produce you find at the farmer's market is sold at the peak of its growing season and is grown locally. The pressure to pick this fruit does not come from how long its shelf life is, but from how it tastes to the consumer. If they like it, they'll be back for more, spending more money for the best flavor.

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