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Fried Battered Apple Rings

Fried battered apple rings are a simple yet mouth-watering treat. Apple slices dipped in batter, deep-fried & coated in cinnamon sugar...


  • ½ cup all-purpose flour (70 grams)

  • 3 tablespoons milk

  • 1 teaspoon rum, optional but it is recommended

  • 1 egg (large)

  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar or vanilla flavored sugar

  • 2 apples (large)

  • 1¼ cups vegetable oil (300 milliliters), see note 2

  • ¼ cup granulated sugar or powdered sugar

  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon


  1. In a small bowl, mix flour, milk, rum, egg + 1 tablespoon of sugar until you get a nice smooth batter.

  2. Wash and peel the apples. Slice them into thin slices (you should get 5-6 slices out of each apple). Remove the core using a small round cookie cutter. Or use apple corer, if you have one.

  3. Heat up the oil in a frying pan/skillet or deep fryer. Dip each ring in the batter and fry until both sides are golden brown.

  4. Place each apple ring onto a paper kitchen towel to get rid of the excess oil.

  5. While still warm, coat them in cinnamon sugar (mix sugar & cinnamon together).

You can use any apples you have on hand. Try avoiding apples that are mushy on the inside though. The best options are Granny Smith or Pink Lady.

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28 sept. 2023

Bypassing Ads, Embracing Flavor: My Culinary Archive.

I despise those recipe websites that are cluttered with endless ads and annoying pop-ups. Frustrated by the user experience, I took matters into my own hands a few years ago and established a recipe forum on my website.

The idea was simple: I'd share intriguing recipes I stumbled upon, reformatting them on my site to remove all the intrusive ads, making it effortlessly accessible for future reference. Over time, my little project blossomed, amassing hundreds of delectable recipes.

Then when I browse through the forum posts and come across a particularly enticing one, I promptly add it to the "My Kitchen" section of the site, like the recent discovery of the Batter Fried…

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