Worshipping Fairytales in a World of Scientific Discovery...
In a world where reason often takes a back seat to fantasy, it seems that the age-old battle between belief and evidence continues to rage on.
Why bother with pesky scientific facts when you can just cling to the comforting tale of an invisible deity and his resurrected offspring?
It's almost laughable how some people choose to prioritize myth over reality, as if the existence of a bearded man in the sky is somehow more plausible than the presence of, say, gravity.
But hey, who needs evidence when you've got blind faith and a well-worn storybook to guide you through life's uncertainties?
After all, Jesus must be more real than a ghost, right?
Because clearly, the absence of tangible proof is no match for a good dose of wishful thinking and a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance.
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