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How Christianity Manipulates You

Writer's picture: R. Bingham - Staff WriterR. Bingham - Staff Writer

How to Resist Christian Programming: Strategies for Critical Thinking and Self-Empowerment

In this article, we will explore some of the ways that Christianity programs your life to meet their needs. We will look at how Christianity shapes your identity, your morality, your relationships, and your worldview. We will also examine some of the consequences of this programming and how you can break free from it.

The Hidden Agenda of Christian Indoctrination:

  • Identity: Who are you? Christianity tells you that you are a sinner who needs to be saved by Jesus Christ. It tells you that you are nothing without God and that you owe everything to him. It tells you that you are not worthy of his love and that you need to repent and obey him. It tells you that you are part of a chosen people who have a special mission and destiny in the world. This programming affects your sense of self-worth, your confidence, and your autonomy. It makes you dependent on an external authority and a rigid set of rules. It makes you feel guilty and ashamed of yourself and your natural desires. It makes you fear God's wrath and judgment. It makes you conform to a narrow and exclusive identity that excludes others who do not share your beliefs.

  • Morality: What is right and wrong? Christianity tells you that morality is based on God's commandments and revealed in the Bible. It tells you that God is the source of all goodness and truth and that anything that goes against his will is evil and sinful. It tells you that you need to follow his moral laws and principles in every aspect of your life. It tells you that you need to avoid temptation and resist the devil. It tells you that you need to love God above all else and love your neighbor as yourself. This programming affects your moral judgment, your decision-making, and your actions. It makes you rely on an external source of morality and ignore your own conscience and reason. It makes you judge yourself and others harshly and intolerantly. It makes you fear punishment and hell for any transgression or doubt. It makes you obey authority figures and institutions without question or criticism. It makes you sacrifice your own happiness and well-being for the sake of God's glory.

  • Relationships: How do you relate to others? Christianity tells you that relationships are based on God's design and purpose. It tells you that God created humans in his image and likeness and that he ordained marriage between one man and one woman. It tells you that sex is a sacred gift from God that should only be enjoyed within marriage. It tells you that children are a blessing from God that should be raised in his ways. It tells you that family is the most important institution in society and that you should honor your parents and elders. This programming affects your social interactions, your intimacy, and your family life. It makes you conform to traditional gender roles and expectations. It makes you suppress or deny your sexual orientation or identity if it does not fit the norm. It makes you limit or avoid contact with people who have different beliefs or lifestyles. It makes you subordinate your personal needs and desires to those of your spouse or family. It makes you indoctrinate your children with the same beliefs and values.

  • Worldview: How do you see the world? Christianity tells you that worldview is based on God's revelation and plan. It tells you that God created the world in six days and that he sustains it by his power. It tells you that the world is fallen and corrupted by sin and that it is under the influence of Satan. It tells you that God has a plan for history and that he will intervene in human affairs to fulfill his promises. It tells you that Jesus Christ will return soon to judge the living and the dead and to establish his kingdom on earth.This programming affects your perception, your understanding, and your attitude towards the world. It makes you reject scientific evidence and rational inquiry in favor of faith and dogma. It makes you view the world as a hostile and dangerous place that needs to be conquered or escaped from. It makes you expect miracles and signs from God to confirm your beliefs or actions. It makes you await the end times with fear or hope depending on your status before God.

Conclusion: How can you break free?

Christianity programs your life to meet their needs by controlling your identity, your morality, your relationships, and your worldview. This programming limits your potential, harms your well-being, and prevents you from living authentically.

But there is a way out.

You can break free from this programming by questioning everything, by seeking evidence, by thinking for yourself, by listening to your heart, by respecting others, by embracing diversity, by finding meaning, by creating value, by living in the present.

You can break free from this programming by being yourself.


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