Voting for Biden Is Imperative for Democracy's Survival
At this critical juncture, the stakes of our democratic process have never been higher. The statement that "Trump will be president" if individuals opt for Robert Kennedy Jr. as a strategic protest vote against Biden vividly illustrates the perilous gamble of political apathy.
By entertaining such notions, one inadvertently flirts with the erosion of democratic norms and principles. Choosing to divert support away from Biden, despite reservations, could pave the way for a regression into authoritarianism, epitomized by a return to Trump's presidency.
Such reckless actions undermine the very fabric of democracy, relegating it to a mere spectator sport rather than an active engagement in shaping our collective future. It is incumbent upon every citizen to recognize the gravity of this moment and to vote wisely, safeguarding the integrity of our democratic institutions from further jeopardy.
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