“Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country,” if you had typing class in high school, you may remember that phrase, but it's not a typing test. it is a call to arms attributed to Patrick Henry, one of the heroes of the American Revolution. Like that time in history, with today's politicians it is time to Bear Arms again.
What we need is an Anti-Corruption Act, not a revolution.
Now is the time for ALL good men and women to come to the aid of their country, especially those who call themselves leaders. Politicians have to understand that this is not just a typing exercise. At some point Americans will revolt.
Our form of democracy is being threatened, our legal system is being threatened, the competence of our federal government is being threatened, America’s standing in the world is being threatened, and voting does not seem to be the answer? So, what are we supposed to do?
"I think you can judge a country by how often people rise above self-absorption to being concerned about somebody else. I think we all need to live a life a little bigger than ourselves.”
Maybe we do not need a violent revolution to end the corruption in our political system. But an Anti-Corruption Act, which sets a standard for local, state, and federal laws that fix our broken system, stop political bribery, and end secret money.
Stop political bribery by making it illegal for lobbyists to lobby a politician and donate to their campaign. You can lobby, or you can donate, but you can't do both.
End secret money so Americans know who is buying political power.
Fix our broken elections so the people, not the political establishment, are the ones in control.
Term limits for ALL. elected and appointed, political offices.
If that does not work, then I guess we have to eliminate them all, and start from scratch...
We once had a revolution because of an oppressive foreign government, now it is our own government oppressing us. And, no January 6 was not a revolution against an oppressive government, it was not "legitimate political discourse", it was a paramilitary force used by the republican political machine to seize control of the government.