Lesley Haskell, wife of Spokane County Prosecutor, calls herself 'White nationalist,' states; it was "perfectly OK and legal" to use racial slurs for Black people, Chinese people, White people, Hispanic people, Jewish people, and gay people, and if people didn't like it, they "aren't ready for free speech" and shouldn't "try to change how we do things."
Trump redefined the republican party around white nationalism, which deems brown-skinned men, women, and children of degraded humanity—and therefore absent any inherent value and unworthy of protection. You could see that as the president compared immigrant men, women, and children to vermin (they want to “infest our country,” he tweeted). You could see it when his deputy Stephen Miller painted migrants as menaces—not candidates for asylum, but rather incarceration.
There have been many indications like this that a white-nationalist takeover of Republicanism was coming. Now, they have complete control of the Republican Party and the Supreme Court. It does not seem like the Republican Party recover from Trumpism? It doesn't really matter; they have control of the Supreme Court.
While we may call ourselves free, we are only as free as the Supreme Courts says we are, I order to keep their power, republican politicians will bow to the will of their base, white nationalist, evangelicals, Q-Anon, and every other extremist group they could pull into their base with propaganda. Suprise, the Supreme Court will likely follow the Republican lead.
First to come will be religious freedoms, and the eliminating of abortions, and same sex marriage. So, religious freedoms mean less freedoms. At some point republicans will have control of all three branches of our government, and voting will no longer be relevant and neither will voters. Another thing that will be gone once voters are no longer needed GUNS!
You cannot have people with guns around once they figure out, they were lead like sheep. Now that the wealthy have complete control, you can bet abortion, same sex marriage, homosexuality, higher taxes, lower wages, the last thing you want is for them to have guns.
I know, we have a constitution, the second amendment, do you really thing that is going to mean anything once the Republicans are in complete control? We are about to see it begin, with the Republican controlled Supreme Court making a decision on abortion. It will be based on what "religious freedom" supports of the republican party want, NOT what the majority of the nation wants.
Republicans control the Supreme Court now, if they take the House, we are in deep water, if they gain Senate too, we are doomed. Republicans are destroying America. Democrats are not the answer but voting blue gives us another day to fight for a brighter future for our nation, voting for a Republican means an end to that "Experimental Republic" our founding fathers created.