The voluminous documents state election officials have sent the Jan. 6 committee, obtained by POLITICO Through open records requests, underscore the depth of Trump's press campaign directed at the typically lower-level administrators of presidential balloting.
The emails, texts and phone recordings also add consequential context to previously reported incidents, such as Trump’s call to Georgia's top elections investigator and Mark Meadows’ outreach to Georgia election officials. The select panel asked states for any scrap of evidence to justify allegations of election fraud that Trump baselessly promoted, focusing much of its efforts on officials in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Those states found virtually no evidence of fraud.
Mainly, the records show state officials trying to either mollify or ignore Trump and his allies without distorting election results or embracing debunked claims of vote tampering. A spokesperson for the select panel declined to comment on the documents.
This latest batch of evidence shows quite clearly that the inside game played by the forces of Camp Runamuck aimed at subverting the results of the 2020 presidential election was widespread. It involved not only administration* officials, but members of Congress as well, and there were more serious shenanigans in other pivotal states.
So, it’s pretty clear at this point that, behind all the bear spray and antler hats, there was a whole posse of ostensible public servants allegedly operating to steal the election by pressuring state officials to betray their public trusts. Alas, for them, the further they got from the White House, the more integrity they ran into, and it screwed up their plans. It’s time for the DOJ to have the backs of all the people who stood up against the pressure.
Only You can't prevent this political fire, started by the Republican Party's acceptance of Donald J. Trump., from spreading, by voting for a Democrat. The Democrats may not have the answer, but present a better choice to keep our Republic together.