Dive into the Presidential Nominee's Support Base...
Erosion of Ethics: The Disturbing Endorsement of a Presidential Traitor
It speaks volumes about the moral bankruptcy of a society when its citizens are willing to endorse a presidential candidate who not only stole classified documents but also orchestrated an insurrection against their own country.
Such a choice reflects a disturbing willingness to prioritize personal biases over the very foundations of democracy, revealing a collective apathy towards truth, integrity, and the principles that should guide a nation. It's a stark reminder of the erosion of ethical standards and a damning indictment of the state of our political conscience.
I created this post, as an experiment, to see if people like or dislike an article based on the graphics, without reading the article. I posted it one sites that were pro Trump, it got hundreds of likes yet only four people read the full post, and they left nasty message I had to delete.