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Within the Bubble

In a bubble, soft and clear,

I float through life, restrained by fear.

My heart, it yearns to break away,

Yet shadows bind me, night and day.

The world outside is bright and bold,

A tapestry of tales untold.

But I, in silence, watch it pass,

Through fragile walls of fragile glass.

The fear, it whispers in my ear,

"Stay safe within, the danger's near."

Yet deep inside, a spark ignites,

A dream of soaring to new heights.

One day, perhaps, I'll find the key,

To burst this bubble, set me free.

With courage drawn from depths unknown,

I'll face the world, no more alone.

The poem reflects on the paradox of living within the confines of fear while longing for the freedom beyond. It captures the delicate balance between safety and restraint, as the heart wrestles with the desire to break free from the imprisoning bubble of fear. It invites contemplation on the courage needed to confront our fears and step into the unknown, where true liberation awaits.

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