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Twilight of the Grand Old Party

In halls of power once strong and bright,

The Republican Party, once a guiding light.

With principles firm, they stood with might,

But now they face a somber night.

The journey started, so noble and grand,

Championing freedom across the land.

But as time passed, shadows crept in,

And cracks appeared, from within.

Once united, they now stand divided,

As extremism and strife have collided.

Polarized views tear at the seams,

Shattering unity, fading dreams.

Once defenders of the Constitution's core,

Now, some have strayed from its sacred lore.

Principles sacrificed for power's delight,

The party now struggles in the night.

Their downfall, not of one sole cause,

But an accumulation of many flaws.

A shift from facts to fiction's art,

Has fractured truth, torn them apart.

Amidst the chaos, some voices remained,

Championing justice, they sustained.

But drowned in the tumultuous wave,

Their influence weakened, unable to save.

The world watches as they tumble and fall,

Their rise and decline, a cautionary call.

For democracy to thrive and stay,

Parties must strive to find a better way.

May lessons learned guide their path,

Toward empathy, unity, and moral math.

Let history's chapters recall the fight,

And hope they rise once more with insight.

Belle Webb🪶©2023


The inspiration for this poem comes from observing the political landscape and the changes that have occurred within the Republican Party over time. The poem reflects on the party's historical roots, its initial principles, and its dedication to defending freedom and democracy. However, it also addresses the shifts that have taken place, leading to divisions, polarization, and a departure from core values.

The poem aims to capture the emotions surrounding the downfall of a once-strong and influential political entity. It is a cautionary tale about the consequences of straying from truth, principle, and unity, highlighting the importance of maintaining a commitment to democracy and the greater good.

The poem does not seek to place blame or take sides, but rather to reflect on the broader theme of how political parties and institutions can evolve and change over time, for better or for worse. It calls for introspection and learning from history to find a better path forward.

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