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Transcending Injustice

The fight for Trans Rights, breaking the silence and, building Solidarity to Live Authentically; musing by Belle Webb

Injustice abounds, and it's hard to ignore,

For those who don't fit in, life can be a chore,

Trans folk, in particular, face a brutal fate,

As society chooses to discriminate.

It's inhumane, the way they're often treated,

As if they're less than human, not fully completed,

Their very existence is a source of debate,

And bigotry and hate become their fate.

They're denied basic rights, treated like a disease,

For daring to live as they please,

Their gender identity, a cause for alarm,

As if it's something to be ashamed of, something to harm.

But they are people, just like you and me,

Deserving of respect and dignity,

Their struggles are real, their pain is too,

And they deserve to be treated as true.

It's time for change, for society to grow,

To open their minds and let acceptance flow,

For trans folk to be embraced, not shunned,

And for their voices to finally be heard and sung.

So let us stand with them, fight for their rights,

And work towards a future that's bright,

Where everyone can be who they are,

And love and acceptance isn't so far.

Belle Webb🪶©2023

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