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Time's Ever-Changing Canvas

As I sit here listening to the clock tick away,

I ponder the essence of life, its mysterious display.

Time marches on, each moment a fleeting breath,

A kaleidoscope of memories, woven tapestry of depth.

Life's journey unfolds, a series of moments we find,

Like whispers of the wind, they leave impressions behind.

In joy and sorrow, laughter and tears,

We dance through the years, confronting our fears.

With every tick, the past slips into the abyss,

Yet memories persist, a treasure trove of bliss.

The innocence of childhood, carefree and light,

The friendships we forged, hearts woven tight.

In youth's exuberance, we dare to dream,

With eyes full of hope, life's canvas we deem.

We chase our passions, embrace the unknown,

Each moment a chance to write the story we've sown.

As the clock's hands move, the seasons do change,

And life's colors transform, rearrange.

In love's embrace, we find solace and trust,

A symphony of emotions, both gentle and robust.

But amidst the joy, darkness may descend,

In shadows we wander, seeking light to mend.

Yet through trials and tribulations, we learn to cope,

For life is a journey of faith, hope, and love's rope.

As I sit here, cherishing each tick of the clock,

I embrace this truth, like a key to life's lock.

For the moments we treasure, and those we endure,

Shape our souls and hearts, making us pure.

So let us savor each second that flies,

For life's beauty lies in moments that arise.

Embrace the present, let the past be your guide,

For this series of moments, in our hearts reside

Belle Webb🪶©2023

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