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The Tranquil Night

Updated: Mar 14, 2023

by Belle Webb

The sun has set, and darkness falls

As the night comes to enthrall

All the sounds that once were loud

Are now hushed, without a crowd

The stars shine bright, the moon is high

A tranquil peace fills up the sky

The world around begins to slow

As quietness begins to flow

The breeze now whispers through the trees

As crickets chirp and owls take ease

A calming feeling fills the air

As nature's sounds become aware

The night is peaceful, calm, and still

As if the world has had its fill

Of all the noise and hustle-bustle

And now it's time to rest its muscle

As I lay here, quiet and still

I feel my mind begin to fill

With all the peace the night bestows

And how it soothes my restless woes

So let the night, with all its grace

Embrace you with its calm embrace

And let your worries drift away

As you enjoy the tranquil sway.

Belle Webb🪶©2023

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