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The Slow Decay of Love

by Belle Webb

Once, their love was bright as day,

A couple so in love in every way,

Their hearts beat fast, their love was true,

Their passion burned like fire, anew.

But time passed on, and things grew cold,

Their love turned bitter, resentment took hold,

Their words became sharp, their touch, so rough,

The joy they once shared, now vanished, enough.

The things they once adored in each other,

Now the things they cannot stand, a bother,

The little quirks, the habits they once found cute,

Now only serve to bring on the dispute.

Their love, once a garden, now overgrown,

With thorns and weeds, no longer shown,

The beauty and light, now faded away,

Their love, a shadow of what it was, they say.

The couple that once shared so much,

Now struggle to find a simple touch,

Their love, now filled with anger and hate,

A relationship, that's lost its true fate.

It's sad to see what was once so sweet,

Turned to a relationship that's incomplete,

The couple, once bound by love's strong tie,

Now lost, with nothing left to try.

But such is the way of love, it seems,

A fleeting moment, like a dream,

A fire that can burn so bright and fierce,

But if not tended, it will surely pierce.

So let this be a lesson to us all,

To tend our love, both big and small,

To cherish the moments, the love we find,

And keep the passion burning, all the time.

Belle Webb🪶©2023

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