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The Rebirth of Nature

by Belle Webb

The world awakens from its slumber deep,

As winter's icy grip begins to creep,

But as the days grow longer, the earth does stir,

And in the air, the scent of spring does blur.

The buds on trees begin to appear,

A sign that spring is drawing near,

And as the sun's rays become more strong,

The ground thaws out from winter's long.

The birds return from their southern flight,

To welcome spring with chirps and trills of delight,

And in the fields, the flowers start to bloom,

Their vibrant colors pushing away the gloom.

The grass turns green, the air grows mild,

And the world is reborn as spring takes hold,

A time of renewal, growth, and light,

When the earth awakens from its winter's night.

So let us welcome spring with open arms,

As it brings with it all its charms,

And as the world begins to sing,

We celebrate the coming of spring!

Belle Webb🪶©2023


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