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The Gift of Reason

In a world where logic should prevail,

There's a truth that we can't curtail.

Common sense, a gift, they say,

But I declare it's gone astray.

For it's not a gift, oh no, not quite,

It's a punishment, a daily fight.

Dealing with the clueless lot,

Who wander lost in a senseless thought.

Oh, the tales they weave, the things they do,

Without a hint of what is true.

They walk through life so blissfully,

Unaware of their absurdity.

With common sense, a rare delight,

I navigate this crazy plight.

But oh, the trials that I face,

In this nonsensical, chaotic space.

Yet still, I wear a smile so wide,

As I watch them stumble, try, and hide.

For in their folly, there's a cheer,

A comedy that's crystal clear.

So here's to common sense, a test,

A trial endured, a lifelong quest.

In this mad world, we stand apart,

Armed with reason, and a hearty heart.

The moral of this humorous poem reminds us that even though dealing with people lacking common sense can be challenging, it's essential to approach such situations with patience and a good sense of humor. Instead of frustration, finding amusement in the absurdity of life's situations can make the journey more bearable. It emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding, and resilience when faced with the quirks and idiosyncrasies of those around us.

Belle Webb🪶©2023

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