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The Elegance of Fall

In autumn's tender, golden haze,

When daylight wanes in softest ways,

A masterpiece of hues unfold,

A canvas painted, red and gold.

Amber leaves, they gently fall,

Crimson trees, so proud and tall,

Nature’s brush with fiery might,

A symphony of pure delight.

The sun descends with amber grace,

Casting shadows on earth's face,

Oranges, like pumpkins bright,

Illuminate the fading light.

Beneath the sky of sapphire blue,

The world adorned in every hue,

Burgundy and russet blend,

As if the earth itself would mend.

The air is crisp with whispers cold,

Yet warmth in colors manifold,

Auburn, copper, ochre, too,

Nature crafts a vibrant brew.

Mirthful dances in the breeze,

Leaves that rustle, birds at ease,

A tale of change in every glance,

In autumn's vivid, wild expanse.

With every step, a rustle sweet,

Beneath our soles, the fallen greet,

Their colors deep, like memories,

Painted on the canvas of trees.

As daylight fades and chill descends,

Autumn's art, it never ends,

A masterpiece, both bold and wise,

In every gaze, in every sighs.

So let us cherish, let us swoon,

Beneath this amber, harvest moon,

For in the colors of the fall,

We find the grandest story of all.

In the vibrant colors of autumn, we find a poignant lesson about embracing change and finding beauty in transitions. Much like the leaves that gracefully surrender to the earth, we too must learn to let go of what was, accepting the natural course of life with grace and dignity. Autumn reminds us that change is inevitable, and within it lies a profound beauty, a transformation that enriches the soul. Just as the trees shed their leaves, making way for new growth, we too can release the past, allowing ourselves to be reborn with each season of life. Embracing change with open hearts and appreciating the fleeting yet exquisite moments it brings teaches us resilience, gratitude, and the profound wisdom that in every ending, there is the promise of a new beginning.

Belle Webb🪶©2023

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