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Smiling at Death

Updated: Apr 19

In the shadow's grasp, we all shall fall,

Death's grin, eternal, upon us call.

Yet in its gaze, we find no slack,

For all we can do is smile back.

Through life's winding path, we tread,

Knowing not when we'll join the dead.

But in the face of the inevitable's track,

All we can do is smile back.

In the twilight's hush, where fears entwine,

We defy the darkness, a spark divine.

For in our courage, there's no lack,

All we can do is smile back.

This poem emphasizes the resilience of the human spirit in the face of mortality. Despite the inevitability of death and the uncertainty of life, the poem suggests that finding the strength to confront mortality with a smile is a powerful act of defiance. It speaks to the idea that even in the darkest moments, we have the ability to choose our response, embracing life with courage and grace.

Belle Webb🪶©2023

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