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Lost in the Fray

by Belle Webb

A solitary figure, lost in the fray,

Feeling disconnected, day after day.

Loneliness grips with a cold embrace,

A familiar feeling in this empty space.

A sea of faces, but none quite right,

Strangers passing in the morning light.

Conversation echoes in an empty room,

Echoes of laughter, but there's only gloom.

Invisible chains bind the heart and mind,

An unwelcome companion, always behind.

Solitude a constant reminder, a bitter pill,

An endless cycle that's hard to kill.

The yearning for connection, a powerful pull,

A desire for warmth, an emotional lull.

But the void remains, a gaping hole,

A painful reminder, taking its toll.

The heart cries out, in silent pain,

Longing for love, again and again.

But for now, it's just the loneliness,

A constant companion, in the emptiness.

So the solitary figure keeps moving on,

Hoping to find a place where they belong.

Until then, they carry on, alone in the fray,

Hoping to find a way out of disconnection, someday.

Belle Webb🪶©2023

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