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Granny Shocked and Pornified

This is a humorous narrative poem that tells the story of a grandma's astonished discovery of pornography on her phone

The headings serve to delineate different stages of her reaction: initial confusion ("The Unexpected Sight"), curiosity ("The Curious Click"), disbelief at the explicit nature ("The Old Eyes Widen"), and ultimately, lighthearted acceptance and humor ("Laughing at Life").

So, here's to the silver foxes and wise old owls, still chasing butterflies in the autumn of their lives, and reminding us all that age is just a number when it comes to matters of the heart!

1. The Unexpected Sight

Oh my stars, what's this on my phone?

A video pops up, not one I've known.

Expecting recipes or family cheer,

But what I see makes me blink and leer!

2. The Curious Click

I thought it might be a cute cat's purr,

Or a grandkid's dance, a delightful blur.

But no, it's bodies in a tangled spree,

Oh heavens, what's become of me?

3. The Old Eyes Widen

Back in my day, we kept it discreet,

Now it's all here, right at my feet.

A man and a woman, and more I think,

Dear Lord, I need a calming drink!

4. Laughing at Life

I put my knitting down, my face all red,

With scenes of passion dancing in my head.

I giggle and snort, this modern surprise,

For even at my age, life still opens eyes!

Ah, the marvels of old age and the undying flame of passion that refuses to flicker out! Who would have thought that these brittle bones and well-worn hearts could still harbor such fiery yearnings? We shuffle about with our canes and dentures, but behind those spectacles, oh, there lies a twinkle that tells tales of love's endurance.

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21 jun

This poem reflects the whispers of my mind upon my initial glimpse of this image.

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