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Equinox Awakening

The Earth awakens from its sleep,

As Spring's arrival takes a leap,

The Equinox brings balance true,

As day and night are split in two.

The Sun ascends to higher skies,

And warms the land with brightened eyes,

As buds and blooms begin to show,

And streams and rivers start to flow.

The air is filled with sweet perfume,

As nature's bounty starts to bloom,

The birds return with joyful song,

And life begins anew and strong.

The Spring Equinox is a time,

To celebrate the Earth's design,

To honor nature's grandest plan,

And cherish life's eternal span.

So let us welcome Spring with glee,

And embrace the beauty that we see,

For with each Equinox that comes,

We find renewal in the sun.

Belle Webb🪶©2023


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