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Alone Amongst the Many

In a world teeming with faces, I stand,

An island of sorrow amidst the grand,

A soul so alone, lost in the crowd,

Invisible tears, my voice not allowed.

Eyes glazed over, with a silent plea,

To be noticed, to be set free,

But hearts pass by, oblivious and blind,

To the yearning soul, confined in my mind.

Voices echo, laughter rings so loud,

But within my heart, an empty shroud,

Aching for solace, a gentle touch,

To break the chains, I crave so much.

In this sea of strangers, I search for a friend,

Someone to listen, to comprehend,

But the waves of indifference crash and collide,

Leaving me stranded, pulled by the tide.

I gaze at the stars, their distant glow,

Whispering secrets that only they know,

They twinkle above, mocking my plight,

Mocking the darkness that engulfs my night.

I long to belong, to find my place,

But I'm an outsider, lost in this space,

Invisible threads of isolation entwine,

My heartache grows, a sorrowful vine.

Oh, how I yearn for a hand to hold,

A compassionate soul, tender and bold,

To break through the barriers, unlock the door,

To bring me solace, to heal my core.

But alas, I remain so alone in this sphere,

Lost in a world that fails to hear,

A sad soul, unseen and unknown,

So alone in a world full of people, I'm thrown.

Belle Webb🪶©2023

The moral of this poem could be that despite being surrounded by people, one can still feel incredibly alone. It highlights the importance of empathy, connection, and understanding in a world where it's easy to overlook the struggles of others. It serves as a reminder to be aware of those who may be silently suffering, and to reach out with kindness and compassion, as even the smallest gesture can make a significant difference in someone's life.

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