You know, it's funny how as we get older, our bodies change, but deep down, we still feel like kids, like we're aging on the outside but keeping that inner spark forever young.
It's interesting how our bodies go through all these changes over the years, isn't it?
Like, we start seeing wrinkles, maybe a few gray hairs here and there, but deep down, we're still those same kids with big dreams and endless curiosity.
It's like, sure, we might look older on the outside, but inside, we're still that little kid who just wants to explore and soak in every moment of life.
It's kinda cool how the essence stays young while the body ages, don't you think?
In the mirror, lines tell tales of living,
Gray hairs show the years we've been giving.
But deep inside, we're still just us,
Kids at heart, with dreams and trust.
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