A Whimsical Exploration of Living to a Hundred...
In the paradoxical pursuit of reaching the coveted centennial mark, one finds themselves entangled in a cosmic jest where the secret to longevity is surrendering the very essence of life.
It's a whimsical dance with time, an ironic tango where the steps involve relinquishing passion, joy, and all the whimsical follies that breathe vitality into our existence.
In this satirical journey, the quest for a century becomes a farcical trade-off—exchange the vibrant hues of experience for the monochrome monotony of mere survival.
The cosmic comedy lies in the realization that the more one clings to longevity, the more life slips through their fingers like elusive sand.
Perhaps, in the pursuit of quantity, we unwittingly sacrifice the quality that makes each heartbeat truly resonate with the melody of a life well-lived.
Belle Webb🪶©2023
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