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Writer's pictureBelle Webb

What is Magnet Fishing?

You have your magnet fishing kit and are ready to go find your hidden treasures.

But, wait….

Basically it is fishing in a body of water with a magnet, most often for treasures, sometimes guns. The list of reasons why someone might toss a gun in a river is pretty short. But the list of reasons why someone throws magnets tied to rope into America’s waters is even shorter: finding unclaimed property is really cool.

Enthusiastic treasure hunters pace back and forth on bridges and cast shiny hockey puck-sized magnets into murky depths, pulling in bike parts, railroad spikes, jewelry, coins, and, yes, firearms. Reportedly, a person hauled six handguns out of a river in Louisian. Magnet fishers across America—a fast-growing group—guns are among the most common type of catch. But even though they’re seemingly ubiquitous, they aren’t treated as such. In fact, the pistols, rifles, and shotguns are usually a featured find for many of those magnet fishing.

You find a gun, now what?

Magnet fishers generally operate under the common law principle of abandoned property—better known as “finders’ keepers”—which allows a discovering party to claim abandoned property legally.

But does that finders’ keepers principle really apply to a found gun? But, if you get caught with a gun that was involved in a crime, you may become the prime suspect?

With that said here are some tips to start your hunt for lost treasures. Let’s take a look at the some Magnet Fishing Tips to ensure that your next adventure is a pleasant one.

ROPE STRENGTH MATTERS The strongest magnet in the world is no good if your rope is too weak to haul up the items that you’ve found. Typically, the strength of the line must be double whatever the magnet and its objects will weigh when you pull them up.

PROPER KNOTTING IS CRITICAL Most experts suggest that you either make a standard fishing knot or an anchor knot to keep your rope firmly attached to your magnet while you fish.

MAGNET POWER ALSO MATTER Fishing magnets come at many different weight levels, from around 200 to 1,200 pounds. Most fishing magnets are about 330 pounds, Higher-powered magnets if you’re looking for more heavy-duty items, such as large pipes or even trying to locate a sunken car.

This hobby involves the use of a strong magnet attached to a reliable rope in order to retrieve magnetic items from the bottom of canals and lakes. The beauty here is not knowing what you are going to find next and it can become really addictive, especially if you find items of value.

There have also been some incredible finds over the years. Good luck.

Best Place. Public bodies of water are the best and safest places to visit, here are some suggestions.

  1. Ponds – Find a local pond and start there. They offer the best practice for using your magnet and require little traveling around to cover the whole area.

  2. Stream – Sometimes, streams lead to bigger bodies of water. Also, streams tend to be clear if they are active. Clear water leads to easier to spot treasure.

  3. Lakes – These giant bodies of water offer the most finds. People always tend to drop stuff off their boat. And that means many opportunities to retrieve what they lost.

  4. Historical sites – You are more likely to find relics in these places, such as lost dog tags or ammo.

  5. Rivers – These places offer a challenge. Flowing current can land an object downstream, plus you might have to fight the current to get your magnet back to shore. This only makes your find that much more of a challenge to get and might make it more valuable to you.

In the US, most places are fair game. Certain places, such as South Carolina have more strict laws regarding magnet fishing. Which is why you should do research before taking your magnet out.


Available at Amazon ➡️

Unique design with double sided magnetic force, one magnet provide twice the surface area to catch targets. It is easy assembled with eye bolt screws directly into steel base.

Great for salvaged of various iron-containing nickel material underwater and good idea for magnet fishing. Have fun.

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